Are Aliens in the Bible?

I haven’t written in a while due to work and taking care of my father in law. He is doing well since his first diagnosis. Some days the enemy gets into his head but God is his shield. We are overcomers in Christ Jesus! 

The topic that I would like to discuss today is a controversial issue. Many people have questions such as ‘Do aliens exist?’ ‘If they exist, where are they in the Bible?’ ‘What are they and what do they want?’ Well I used to have the same questions many years ago. Praise God for His Word that answers all of our questions as long as we seek Him! 

The Bible does not mention extraterrestrial or alien life. However, it does mention angels and demonic forces which are, in a sense, not of this world. This is not the kind of alien, extraterrestrial life that most people are talking about when the subject comes up. Nevertheless, the Bible makes no mention whatsoever of aliens from other planets who might be visiting us.

There is no denying that there are physical manifestations of UFO’s and that many people have claimed to have seen them and even been abducted by them. But the issue is not whether these things occur, but what they are.
Research of UFO abductees has led to some interesting discoveries. According to those abducted, the aliens are teaching theology. The curious thing is that the theology is New Age theology; namely, that we are all divine, all evolving to higher levels of consciousness, that reality is what you perceive it to be, etc. These are anti-Christian teachings. In some cases, comments about Jesus himself have been made that directly contradict biblical revelation. Agreat many people in the New Age not only accept Aliens and UFO’s, but teach that they are more highly evolved than we are and that we need to learn from them.

In addition, an inordinately high percentage of the abductees have had previous experience with the occult. The UFO phenomena is occultic in origin and demonically based. There is no life on other planets and what has manifested is nothing more than a great deception that is slowing enveloping mankind.

I have talked with others regarding this issue and have thought that maybe this will be part of the great deception. Society is already being conditioned to accept the idea of aliens because of movies and cartoons that promote the idea. I can just see it now in the news: Aliens have landed here on Earth! How would people respond to that? I know it would send a mass panick over the globe! Once you have chaos and panic, what do you need? You need a hero or savior! I believe that is where the antichrist comes into the scene to save the day! If it were possible, it would deceive the very elect (Christians). That’s a strong delusion! 

Matthew 24: 

 23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

In conclusion, aliens are not real but demons and fallen angels are. Be not deceived when the time arises (the time will arise sooner than later) but cling to God and His holy Word. Jesus said in the end it will be like as it was in the days of Noah. Go read what was going on in the days of Noah. You will find it talk about the sons of God bore children with the daughters of man. And there were giants! It all makes sense. 
Ephesians 6:

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places

14 thoughts on “Are Aliens in the Bible?

  1. Good to hear from you again; glad your father in law is doing well.
    You are right on the mark, sister! Good writing! Perhaps some of these names are new to you (the Lord just introduced me to this simultaneously with SRA/DID six months ago), but Christians such as Dr. Preston Bailey, Russ Disdar, L. A. Marzulli, and Pastor Doug Riggs have been communicating this for years. Absolutely fascinating how it all fits into God’s word from Genesis 6, Numbers 13:28,32-33, Daniel 9:27, Rev. 6-18… We are at the end of the end times, and it is vital that we press into Christ with everything that we have: the people who know their God shall be strong and do great exploits!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good to hear from you as well! I am not familiar with those names yet. Have you heard of Dr. Jim Wilhelmsen? He is a preacher, author and researcher who I have learned so much from! It is fascinating how it all points to God’s Word! We are in the end times indeed!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am unfamiliar with him. Pastor Doug Riggs has extensive volumes of such material on his website under the “Interviews” and “SRA/DID” tabs, and has some of the best Biblical end-time-related teachings under the “Byte Show” tab (the Lord has been teaching me extensively via his podcasts under this tab; he is Dallas Theological Seminary trained, and apparently a Greek and a Hebrew scholar). Here is the link to his main webpage – may the Lord bless you herein as well:


  2. Maybe I can help you on this with additional things I’ve discovered and written about in my blog.

    I did a 4 part series about connecting Genesis to aliens. I cite sources. Read through to the end of part four, and let me know what you think.

    Here is another blog I wrote about some of the weirdness currently in place:

    Shortly after writing the 4-parter, I had a friend tell me to watch the video at this link. It’s long, much more in-depth, but very good in it’s information. I think the guy over-produced it, but watch the whole thing. It’s very good and a deeper dive than I took.

    I had thought human/animal crossbreeding was as impossible as any inter-species mixes, but I was wrong. Look at this one:

    This isn’t my only topic to write on, but I’ve learned a lot about it just tripping over stuff on the internet. I hope you find it helpful. All of this made much more of the bible and history click into place. Again, I’d very interested to get your reactions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jeffrey, I have read your blog posts! You and I are on the same page my friend! You are spot on! I will watch the video at a later time, but you blew my mind on a few things that my husband and I have been discussing! Glad to connect with such a like mind!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m glad you found it all useful. If someone had told me several years ago that I would be serious about this stuff, I would’ve called them crazy. And now here I am. I try to be selective; lots of sensationalists out there, and I try to weed through them.

        If you can find me on Facebook, we can start a private dialogue between you two and me. I can share stuff from my Nut File with you. Too much to do here.


      2. I will go look you up now! My husband is also deeper in this rabbit hole than I am. I thank God for opening my eyes and having a husband on the same page as me.

        You are correct about there being sensationalist who stray from the truth. If somehow it doesn’t tie back in time God’s word then we stay away from it. We have been watching the YouTube videos called age of deceit. They are full of information.

        I am going to try to find you now. My name is Amanda. My husband has a page called The Christian Resistance if you want to look it up. Have a great Thursday!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I am new to these ideas and I found your blog entry interesting. In truth, since this subject and many of the references are foreign to me I haven’t yet formed an opinion — but it has given me something to think about and I plan on exploring more of the posts on your blog. Thanks for the interesting read.


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